Eminex® suppresses methane and CO2 emissions during slurry storage and thus helps to avoid climate-damaging emissions.
The use of Eminex® can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 81.5 kg CO2eq/m³ slurry in the 100-year consideration (GWP-100).
In the 20-year consideration (GWP-20), even more than 240 kg CO2eq/m³ slurry are saved on average. Eminex® thus makes a major contribution to the climate targets to be achieved in the short term.

- Long term suppression of methane and CO2 emissions during slurry storage
- Less floating layer formation and lower necessary storage volume
- Better fertilising effect of the slurry
- More work safety and animal welfare through lower hydrogen sulfide emissions in the pig barn
Application effects
- Inhibits reliable 90 – 100 % of the methane and CO2 emissions during slurry storage
- Environmentally and climate friendly storage of slurry
- Increases the safety of covered slurry pits
- Avoids floating layer and foam formation
- More homogenous slurry
- Lower necessary storage volume
- Time and cost savings for mixing
- Combines organic and mineral fertilisation
- More plant available nitrogen and more homogenous nutrient distribution in the slurry provides a uniform fertilising effect.
- Promotes soil activity through more easily degradable and high energy carbon compounds
- Higher nitrogen efficiency
- Eminex® decreases harmful hydrogen sulphide emissions during draining of slurry
- Promotes animal and work safety in the barn by reducing the risk of poisoning with hydrogen sulphide
Applications recommendation
Direct application in slurry storage or slurry cellars
2 kg Eminex® per m3 of slurry present during stirring
- The application rate always refers to the amount of slurry in the pit at the time of application.
- Eminex® can be applied as soon as the slurry can be stirred.
- Apply Eminex®slowly into the slurry store during stirring - Big bag emptying in just 30 minutes.
- With slurry channels that are over 300 metres long, we recommend adding Eminex® at two different points along the channel.
- Always apply Eminex® behind the agitator to the slurry that is flowing away.
- Never add large quantities of Eminex® to resting slurry as there is a risk of crust formation and clumping.
- Animals should never come into contact with Eminex®.
- When handling slurry/liquid manure, the necessary protective measures and rules of conduct of the relevant professional associations apply.
Continuous dosing
- The dosing is done with an Eminex® automated dosing system.
- Dosing by means of an automated dosing system is always an option when slurry flows continuously into a slurry pit from a barn (e.g. hydraulic removal, slide removal).
- Thanks to the dosing control, any new slurry is treated directly with 1 kg of Eminex® per m³ of slurry.
- The application is done with 3 or 4 doses per hour that are distributed across the surface of the slurry:
- With hydraulic removal it must be applied before the dam
- With slide removal it must be applied in the slide discharge chute
Direct application in slurry cellars
2 kg Eminex® per m3 of remaining slurry
- Eminex® must be applied in empty barns before the animals are moved in and after the slurry has been drained.
- Evenly distribute Eminex® over the slotted floor.
- Once it has been spread, immediately rinse Eminex® into the slurry pit with plenty of water.
- Do not apply Eminex® in barns occupied by animals.
- Animals should never come into contact with Eminex®.
- Do not leave Eminex® to act on the slotted floor.
- Do not stir the stored slurry if there are people or animals in the barns.
- When handling slurry/liquid manure, the necessary protective measures and rules of conduct of the relevant professional association apply.