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About Eminex®


  • Long term suppression of methane and CO2 emissions during slurry storage
  • Less floating layer formation and lower necessary storage volume
  • Better fertilising effect of the slurry
  • More work safety and animal welfare through lower hydrogen sulfide emissions in the pig barn
Eminex wird transportiert mit dem Traktor
Eminex® product video - part 1

Practitioners report

Ingo Harms

"In the future, we also want to use Eminex® on our young animals."

Dirk Janssen

"I want to produce my milk in a CO2-neutral way in the future."

Gerrit Eberhards

"Eminex® has convinced us so much that we will also use it in our other slurry cellars in the future."

Application effects

  • Inhibits reliable 90 – 100 % of the methane and CO2 emissions during slurry storage
  • Environmentally and climate friendly storage of slurry
  • Increases the safety of covered slurry pits
Methanentwicklung Legende
  • Avoids floating layer and foam formation
  • More homogenous slurry
  • Lower necessary storage volume 
  • Time and cost savings for mixing 
  • Combines organic and mineral fertilisation 
  • More plant available nitrogen and more homogenous nutrient distribution in the slurry provides a uniform fertilising effect.
  • Promotes soil activity through more easily degradable and high energy carbon compounds
  • Higher nitrogen efficiency
Grafik Einfluss Körnermais und Stärkegehalt
  • Eminex® decreases harmful hydrogen sulphide emissions during draining of slurry 
  • Promotes animal and work safety in the barn by reducing the risk of poisoning with hydrogen sulphide
Hydrogen sulphide concentration in the farrowing area during slurry
General information

Application recommendation

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Eminex Güllegrube
Slurry pit

General notes

  • The application rate always refers to the amount of slurry in the pit at the time of application.
  • Eminex® can be applied as soon as the slurry can be stirred.
  • Apply Eminex® slowly into the slurry store during stirring.

Winter storage (without slurry spreading)

  • Dosage of 1 kg Eminex® per m³ slurry every 12 weeks.

Summer storage (with slurry spreading)

  • Treatment of residual slurry with 1 kg Eminex® per m³ of slurry after each slurry spreading.
  • If no slurry is applied for a period longer than 6 weeks, the slurry must be re-treated with 1 kg Eminex® per m³ slurry.
Fütterung Bullen
Slurry foaming
  • Addition of 2 kg Eminex® per m³ of slurry present during stirring
  • Application usually takes place at the beginning of the cold season
  • A single application is usually sufficient to suppress foaming during the entire winter storage period.
Eminex wird transportiert mit dem Traktor
Safe handling, storage and transport
  • For the safe handling and transport of big bags, follow the recommendations of the Social Insurance for Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture (SVLFG) Tips for safe handling of big bags.
  • In addition, please observe the safety instructions for handling and storage in our safety data sheet
  • Animals must not come into contact with Eminex®
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Agricultural info material


Veronika Pfaffenberger

Veronika Pfaffenberger

Product Management and Sales Officer

South East Europe, Nordic countries, Central Africa, Austria and Switzerland

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