Product Group: Plant growth regulator
Dormex® is a plant growth regulator used in vineyards and orchards to break bud dormancy and stimulate more uniform and earlier bud break.

Dormex® - better fruit starts here
Treatment with Dormex® is necessary in regions with mild winters, where natural chilling is not sufficient to satisfy the chilling requirement of the target crops. The proper application of Dormex® increases the number of emerging buds, which in turn leads to impressive yield increases. Furthermore, Dormex® has proved to considerably advance bloom and harvest time in various regions worldwide.
The active ingredient of Dormex® is hydrogen cyanamide, a substance which is also present in nature. For example, plants like hairy vetch synthesize cyanamide for self-defence purposes.
Dormex® is manufactured in Germany under high quality standards, proved by ISO 9001 and TÜV certificates. These high standards for production and handling, assure that the product performs as indicated.
Dormex® is the perfect tool to manage production and harvest time in temperate zone crops. Ongoing research programs support the development of best practices to optimize the growth of crops under ever changing and often challenging conditions.
Storage and Safety instructions
Dormex® is temperature sensitive. It should always be stored below 20 °C. Higher temperatures reduce the shelf-life significantly. Never let Dormex® stand in the full sun or apply temperatures above 35°C even for short periods. Place in a temperature controlled environment soon after purchase.
Always comply with the safety instructions provided in our safety data sheet!
The optimal Dormex® application rate and time depends on chilling exposure during dormancy and on other factors like crop variety, growth vigor, stress etc. These factors may vary distinctly depending on the local climatic conditions. Please, follow the instructions on the product label and contact your local distributor for the best application rate and timing under your conditions.
As Dormex® is a contact chemical, there is no translocation within the plant. Therefore, a thorough covering of the bud with the spray solution is essential. Use big droplets and a high spray volume. Spray until point of run off. Do not apply if rain is expected within 4 hours of application.
In regions with mild or without winters, grapes suffer from a weak and irregular bud break, which in turn leads to poor yields. Dormex® substitutes the lack of chilling hours by releasing the plant from dormancy and stimulates an optimal bud break.
Dormex® represents an effective tool, which gives professional table grape growers more control over the management of the crop. The application of this plant growth regulator increases the number of emerging buds, promotes a more uniform bud break and – if desired – can advance bud break. This leads to increased yields and earlier harvest time.
In regions with mild winters and low chill hour accumulation, Dormex® is applied in kiwifruit production to promote an increased and more uniform bud break.
Dormex® is a plant growth regulator and a management tool that gives kiwifruit growers more control in achieving uniformity and in reducing apical dominance. As a consequence of this more uniform and compressed bud break, also bloom and pollination is improved.
Furthermore, less double and trebles (unsaleable) fruits are commonly observed in Dormex® treated vines.
Dormex® is a bud break stimulant promoting more uniform, normal and/or earlier bud break. An application of this plant growth regulator substitutes the lack of chilling hours in regions with mild winters. Dormex® can help to condense harvest and harvest earlier.
For young non-bearing trees, use the Dormex® growth regulator for apical dominance suppression to achieve the desired framework for the trees.
In bearing trees, Dormex® compresses the bloom period to a few days depending upon the weather. Improved bud break uniformity will also facilitate thinning and promote greater uniformity of fruit maturity at harvest.
Dormex® is a “dormancy breaking” agent. It is applied to cherry trees prior to anticipated bud break in regions with mild winters. Dormex® allows production in regions that otherwise might not be successful due to a lack of chill hours.
Dormex® plant growth regulator is a uniformity management tool that gives growers more control over their crop by promoting uniform bud break and a compressed bloom. The use of Dormex® helps to achieve uniformity and to get the right start to the growing season.
Dormex® is a bud break management tool that gives professional stone fruit growers more control, by promoting uniform bloom, getting more floral and leaf buds during bloom.
Dormex® is applied in regions with mild winters that receive low chill hour accumulation. An application of this plant growth regulator increases the number of emerging buds, promotes a more uniform bud break and – if desired – can advance bud break. This can lead to increased yield and earlier harvest.
Dormex® is a plant growth regulator used to substitute lack of chilling hours in regions with mild winters. Dormex allows producing blueberries in regions that otherwise might not be successful. This means growers can manage to harvest a crop even when the chill hours were not optimal.
It helps to put more leaves on a bush with earlier canopy development. Dormex® also reduces apical dominance. With Dormex® growers can better manage when to go to market.
Dormex® is a plant growth regulator used for breaking dormancy. It is applied to promote bud break in regions with mild winters that receive low chill hour accumulation. Dormex® allows producing walnuts in regions that otherwise might not be successful.
Dormex® is a management tool that gives professional walnut growers more control, by promoting a better and more uniform bud break and a compressed bloom.
Dormex® can help condense harvest and harvest earlier.
A uniform maturity at harvest depends on getting a uniform bud break. All deciduous fruit crops need a sufficient amount of winter chilling hours to resume normal growth in spring. In regions with mild or without winters, bud break is not optimal and consequently yield is reduced.
Dormex® partially substitutes the lack of chilling hours and ensures an optimal bud break by releasing the plant from dormancy.
Depending on the application time, Dormex® can advance bud break and consequently harvest time. This effect can be used by growers effectively to stagger the harvest time in order to fetch the highest crop market prices or utilize labor for fruit picking efficiently.