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Versatility in one product


Thiourea is an intermediate for synthesis of pharmaceutical, chemical and technical products.

We offer three available grades tailored to those applications - make your choice.We'd like to share our strength of 50 years’ experience in production, storage, handling and logistic with you.
We offer customized solutions like a granulated form of THIOUREA.

50 years experience

Purest and highest quality

Alzchem has 50 years of experience in the production, storage, handling and logistics of thiourea. We offer the best and purest quality available on the market.
We also offer customized solutions, such as a granulated thiourea, if required.

What speaks for Alzchem:

  •     ultra-pure quality (technical, chemical and pharma)
  •     REACH-registered
  •     fast logistic service
  •     various packaging (drums, bags, BigBags)
  •     full customer service


Please do not hesitate to contact us – we are easy to deal with!


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