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18.10.2023, Ad-Hoc, Alzchem
Alzchem Group AG raises EBITDA forecast into the range of EUR 80 million for fiscal year 2023 despite slightly lower sales expectation

Alzchem Group AG is significantly raising its earnings forecast for the full year 2023 despite a slightly lower sales expectation. Group EBITDA is expected to grow to approximately EUR 80 million (original forecast: up to EUR 70 million). Group sales are expected to be at or slightly below the previous year’s level of EUR 542.2 million; this is slightly below the most recent forecast.

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20.09.2023, Agriculture
New areas of application for Creamino® - Optimal energy supply and sustainable feed efficiency in slow-growing poultry

In addition to the conventional broiler breeds with fast-growing genetics, the market share of slow-growing broiler breeds is rising, e.g. in the Netherlands, in England and in France. Here, the focus lies on meat quality along with increased animal welfare standards. But slow-growing broiler breeds have an increased feed requirement, which leads to high production costs.

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03.08.2023, Alzchem, Corporate News
Alzchem Group AG reports positive business development in the first half of 2023

Alzchem Group AG, a vertically integrated specialty chemicals supplier with a leading market position in selected niche markets, successfully decoupled itself from the general trend in the chemical industry in the first half of 2023. At EUR 277.0 million, Group sales improved by 3% compared to the prior-year period, in which EUR 269.8 million was generated.

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